Dilasa Foundation

Pink Cabs


Taxis designed for women only are gaining popularity in the airport. Just wanted to share facts with you as it is so different than what we are used to in the case of other taxi services like OLA and Uber. I've had women taxi drivers but not ones that exclusively drive women.

Women drive are safer than male colleaguos "women have extended a wram welcome to pink taxis, the female-only taxis introduction in year 2017 a senior trainer Mrs. Zarine aig founder member of women taxi initially from viira cabs who literally picked poor down trodden ladies from forbidden areas and trained them to well-euipped drivers helped them to establish themselves as an independent identity is the unique concept of pink taxis are ment for womenand childern younger than 10 years ago for the women, by the women of the women... In pink taxis, men are allowed to travel even with their families."

Our vision and Mission

More female cab driver wanted as popular taxi fleet is set to double in the coming shifts

Pink cabs is looking for more females taxi drivers as highly successful pink taxi fleet is set to doublke to 50 in the next few months, according to company expectations.

We have 60 pinks drivera and plan to hire 50 more company founder in fleet processes and operation department at the taxi corporation.

The company has a fleet of 300 trained ladies chauffeurs which plan to double in coming months. Female cabbies are popular among lady passengers and families as they are at ease with them. "Due to culturte factors, womenare comfortable withn female drivers". Many travellera visiting Mumbai for the first time are suprised to see they can opt for female taxi drivers.

The drivers come from a dozen of religions, caste, creed who work from 6am to 2pm in two shifts. They are covered by a health insurance and an honouring programme. They also get annual leave, a month, but may earn on commissions.

Who is Mrs. Zarina Baig?

Innovative ideas are the mantra behind every success ful start-up story. Our society has been flourishing ground for entrepreneur. And this phenomenon has witnessed an extra ordinary urge in common women too compelling them to realize inner potentials.

It was struggle agaist all odds for Zarina Baig who wanted women to be financially independent especillay un educated.

The women needed to be removed form the shackles of povertyd achieving it through her special skills with lots of confidence and faith only on her four wheeled driving skills. Money was the root cause of all their troubles. The relentless efforts of her helped around 200 women led to the mobilization and hence started their own business and self-employed.

She is honoured by many write ups, articles, in time, D.N.A. etc. in order to appreciated her attempts.

She still remains among the handful of female drivers associated with start-up is now looking to change.

What services we offer to our clients

Airport Pickup-Drop

Usage of the internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.

Taxi Service

Usage of the internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.

Office Pick-ups

Usage of the internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.


Growing congestion on many roads and an increasing need to perform rehabilitation and reconstruction work on existing roads already carring traffic are some of the issuses that have led to additional more complex challenges to maintaining work zone safety and mobility. To help address these issues, we provide the rule a decision making framework that facilitates comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zone across project development stages and the adoption of additional strategies that help manage these impacts during project implementation. At the heart of the rule is a requirement for agencies to develop an agency-level work zone safety and mobility policy. The change made to the regulations broaden the scope for women to better address the workzone issuse of today and the future.

As we have proved ourselves with effective commitment to achieve success with our abilities to resolve problems developing good operations we hereby seek your kind association in expending this small venture into big industry. Company hereby already trained more than 300 women and out of them only 100 are working on road due to finanicial issues. Company is intending to provide vehicles to those drivers and make them self-relevant by providing them vehicles with T-permit so that they start thier work on road by taking steps ahead. For foresaid work company has done analysis and enclosing quotations of companies like, Hyundai, Maruti, chevrolet and Nissan. We are seeking your kind hearted consideration in fulfilling pink cabs desire to empower women by providing finanical assistance. We welcome you whole heartely to get associated as our business partner for this significant proposal and help for a social cause as well, upliftment of women.

Women Empowerment

By using pink taxicab services, female riders are able to have liberty of movement without encountering the threat or fear of physical, sexcual or emotional abuse.

These taxi services emancipate women from living under a fear of violence and enables them to have access to transport thus providing them with more freedom.

We are conscious of the rights of all women to safe transportation and strive to provide services that are sensitive to the concerns women face in the male dominated taxi industry.


We are providing driving training for motor vechicles and imparting technical skill, to provide learning Driving License Training and Minorities class and finanical weaker section drivers to promote the employment opportunities.

To impact practical training in driving of automobiles to members of the public with the objects of the inculcating sound driving habits and adequate traffic sense so that the trained personal become competent motor vehicle drivers. Distribute pamphlets, books relating to the traffic rules and regulations in order to inculcate better driving of all kinds of vehicles and also provide books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publication on different languages for the promotion aims and objectives.

We organize seminars and meetings to make the general public aware of the traffic haggard on the roads and ways and means of reducing the same.


Driver furthermore, the practice of using female drivers in a male dominated industry empowers women to take control and have identity in their society. Pink Taxi services empower to challenge the gender norms of the gobal male dominated transportation industry by becoming competitors in the siklled and sustainable trade.The socio-economic benefits of empowering women in the work force are also monumental, founder of pink taxis "When women earn, it goes for better eduction and better healthcare for the family. It is also gives them social recognition. It is important for woman-hood. More women on the wheels in Mumbai, the safer the city is for women."
